Wednesday, October 29, 2014

PKN Newsletter

Hello PKN

We had great teacher parents conferences on Monday and Tuesday afternoons. I enjoyed talking to you about your child's progress and also share with you the different activities and events we do in the PK classrooms. Thank you for so much dear parents coming.

This week the children are learning about letter Ff. The  students are learning to say the sound of letter Ff. They are also learning new words beginning with Ff, singing the alphabet song and tracing the letter using different materials: Play dough, oil pastel crayons,sticks...The children also enjoyed making fish out of letter f (arts and crafts).
Here are some pictures of our letterland session:

In math we are focusing on number six. We are learning to identify number six, trace it and make sets of 6 objects. Here are some math photos:

In social studies, PKN are learning about families. We are working on how can families be the same and different. The children are looking at moms and dads, number of sisters and brothers. We are talking about big families and small families...

Thank you and a have a great day

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

PKN Weekly Letter

Hello PKN

I wish you had a great fall break and you enjoyed the lovely weather in Tunisia. This week our children are learning to identify, say the sound and trace letter Ee for Eddy Elephant. The children are working on different letter activities: Coloring letter Ee, thinking of words beginning with E and writing Ee using different materials such as sticks, oil pastel crayons, felted pens... Here are some pictures of our literacy sessions:

In math, we are reviewing shapes: The children made their own shape book, they tried to trace most of the shapes and sing the shape song. Also PKN are working on recognizing numbers and matching the number with the right the quantity. Here are the pictures:

In social studies, the children are working on same but different unit. The children are asking questions and finding informations about themselves. They looked at their eye color, hair color and skin color and found out that they all have different color of skin, eye and hair... However, we are all the same because we have 2 eyes, 2 hands, 2 ears, 1 mouth.... Also, we go to school together, we share materials together. We all need food to grow. We live in the same country...Here are some pictures:

Happy reading and have a great week.
Thank you
Miss Rym

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

PKN News

Hello PKN

This week we are reviewing letters from Aa to Dd. We are learning to say the letter sounds and also try to trace Aa, Cc, Dd... The children are having fun making Alligators (Aa), Carrots (Cc) and Ducks (Dd). They loved this craft activity and here some pictures:

In math, the children are learning number 5, they are trying to make sets of 5 objects, recognize number 5 and write it as well. Also, PKN are working on recognizing different shapes by making a shape book which includes circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, ovals...

In social studies, we started a new unit called " same but different". We are teaching the children that we are all the same but different. We have different color hair, skin, eyes... The children are also learning that objects are different in size. They are learning new words such as big, medium and small. The children know that even people are different in size. So we measured the children in the class. It was fun and here are the pictures:

Happy reading
Have a great day