Wednesday, March 25, 2015

PKN Weekly Newsletter

Hello PKN

Next week we have a special week : It's "We Love To Read" week. I encourage you parents to come and read to your children in English or in your mother tongue. If you are interested please let me know. You are very welcome to come and read to us!!!!!

This week we are learning to recognize and sound out letter Ss for Sammy Snake. The students are thinking of words beginning with Ss. They are also learning to trace letter Ss with play dough, oil pastels and pencils. We practice the Ss sound everyday. They are doing an awesome job. Here are some pictures:

 In math, we are learning to count from one to ten using manipulatives, counting mats, numbers cards and counters and math games. In PKN we are also learning how to collect information and make different graphs such as shapes graphs, color graphs, favorite animal graphs...

 We found out that PKN's favorite shapes is circle. Ten PKN students like circles. The least favorite shape in PKN is the rectangle (only three students liked rectangle).

I want to welcome a new student in PKN. His name is Jisoo Moon and he is from Korea. He started this monday.

Have a great sunny day!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

PKN News

Hello PKN

This week the students are learning about animals and their habitats. The students are learning to sort animals: they learned that farm animals live in the farm, wild animals live in the forest or the jungle, pets lives in the house and we take care of them. We learned that animals eat different kinds of food: Mice like cheese, rabbits eat carrots, monkeys love bananas, tigers and lions eat meat, bears love fish.... Here are some pictures of the science activity:

In literacy we are learning to name and sound out letter Rr for Red Robot. The students are looking for words beginning with letter Rr such as rabbits, radio, ruler, remote control.... These are some pictures:

In math we are counting from one to ten. We are putting numbers in order, making objects of 10 things and matching the number with the quantity. Here are the photos:

I would like to ask you parents to come and read to your children in the morning during the "We Love to Read" week, from March 30th to April 3rd. If you want to read in your mother tongue language is fine too. If you want to participate please let me know. PKN students will be so excited to see their parents in the classroom.
Thank you and happy reading

Monday, March 16, 2015

Student Led Conference Letter

Hello PKN

Student Led Conference Sign Up Sheet

The Pre-School students would like to invite you to a Student Led Conference. Each student will present to their own parents a short power point presentation about what they are learning in Pre-School. Then they will show you an activity that they like to do in their classroom.

The Pre-School Student Led Conference will take 15 minutes for each child. There will be two conferences held in the classroom at the same time.

You are invited to sign up using the form below for a time when you would like to have your conference. We will try to cater for your requests as best we can. Once the initial requests have been put in we will make up a timetable in the classroom. Parents can come and see their child’s teacher and see which times are available if changes need to be made due to clashes with older students.

If you have a child in Elementary Middle or High school you will be able to sign up on line for these sessions.
Pre-School bookings must be made with the Pre-K teacher.

Please look at the available times for your child’s class below and send in this form with your preferred times. You can suggest a couple of times that you are available as this will help if we have too many requests for the same times.
There are TWO openings for each time slot. Please return your request form as soon as possible to your child’s teacher.

From the Pre-School Teachers

Pre-School Student Led Conference Sign Up sheet

Child’s Name:_________________________  Class:_________

Please circle the time slots that would best suit you.

Tuesday 31st March                                        Wednesday 1st April

1:00 – 1:15pm

1:00 – 1:15pm

1:00 – 1:15pm

1:00 – 1:15pm

1:20 – 1:35pm

1:20 – 1:35pm

1:20 – 1:35pm

1:20 – 1:35pm

1:40 – 1:55pm

1:40 – 1:55pm
1:40 – 1:55pm
1:40 – 1:55pm

2:00 – 2:15pm

2:00 – 2:15pm

2:00 – 2:15pm

2:00 – 2:15pm

2:20 – 2:35pm

2:20 – 2:35pm

2:20 – 2:35pm

2:20 – 2:35pm

2:40 – 2:55pm
2:20 – 2:55pm
2:20 – 2:55pm

2:20 – 2:55pm

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

PKN Weekly Newsletter

Hello PKN

In PKN we are learning about animals. We are learning to sort animals ( farm animals, wild animals, pets). We are also learning to take care of animals and give them food. The children are thinking: where do animals live?? why do we need animals?? What do animals eat???? The students are excited about this unit and they were talking about their favorite animals.

In literacy, the students are learning to name and sound out letter Qq for Quarrelsome Queen. The children are tracing letter Qq using different materials such as oil pastel crayons, play dough...

In math, we are learning to count numbers from 1 to 10.We use number cards and counters, counting mats, unifix blocks and math games. The children also are learning to collect informations: such as how many are you in the family? how many children have their birthdays in May?? We are learning about graphs. Here are the pictures:

I would like to welcome our new student in PKN Tae Yeon  from Korea. He joined this week and he liked the activities we do in the class. 

Thank you and have a great day

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

PKN Newsletter

Hello PKN

What a wonderful PK assembly we had!! I am so proud of our PK students. They performed really well and they also shared their learning with you. Thank you so much for attending the Assembly. It makes such a difference with your presence.

This week we are learning to name, sound out and trace letter Pp for Peter Puppy. The children are working on different activities. They are thinking of words beginning with Pp. Please enjoy the pictures:

In math the children are learning about graphs. How can we collect information??? We created different graphs with our PKN students: we have made shoe graph, snack graph, birthday graph....
The children were excited counting how many kids bring fruits for snacks (for example) or how many children have their birthdays in May.....
Here are some pictures:

In science we started the "Animals" unit. The children are so excited about this unit. We are learning about pets, wild animals, farm animals and sea creatures. Next week I will post pictures on the Animal unit.

Have a great Wednesday