Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Picture Retakes

Mark Your Calendar

The photographer will be here again to take individual pictures of the children on December 5th from 10.00 to 1.00pm. 

Green Day Assembly

Hello Bouncy Bens

There will be a green day assembly on Wednesday November 28th at 8.10 in the big gym. Please have your child wear green tomorrow!!!!

We asked the children to draw a picture showing that we care about the environment. We explained to the children how to be nice to plants, trees and flowers (we have to water them and care about them...). We also told the children that we need to keep the earth smiling. Here are their drawings:

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What a busy Week!

Hi Bouncy Bens
  The PK1 children were very excited acting out the story of The five little monkeys. They made the monkey's pyjamas (they painted, cut and stick the stripes on the monkey's body).They also had lots of fun jumping on the beds....
The children loved the story and had lots of fun. Here are some pictures:

Math Activities with the PK2
Bouncy Bens learned how to make sets of 8 objects and put them together. They can make groups of different as well as the same objects. They were busy counting the objects and making each 8 set together. Then They were asked to draw 8 things and color them on their paper. Here are the photos:

Our picture of the week:

Lovely Zoo!!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

New Songs in Bouncy bens

Hello Bouncy Bens

Please practice with your child singing the Little snowflake and The Whole World songs for school upcoming events.

Here are the links:

Little snowflake:

The whole world:

Friday, November 15, 2013

Very busy week for Bouncy bens

Hello Bouncy bens

Our children were very busy this week working on letter Ff. They have learned to say the sound, trace the letter using different materials such as pencils, play dough, pastel croyons...
Bouncy bens looked for different words beginning with Ff. I asked the children to come up with Ff words and they did. They looked around the classroom to see an Ff word. Also, in the letterland stories they have learned so many words beginning with Ff. Well done!

F for firefighter
Also this week The children drew a picture and commented on it. They made up their own stories using their own words. Here are some samples:

We also have lots fun in Bouncy bens:

Great house with a garden
We also love dressing up:

The class picture for Bouncy bens will be on Tuesday November 19th at 8.45 am.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Class picture

Hi Bouncy bens,

The class picture is scheduled for Tuesday November 19th.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Children's Hospital Toy Drive

Hello Bouncy bens,

We are asking all elementary students to bring either used (but in good conditions) toys or new ones to donate to the children's hospital in tunis. Sick children in the hospital don't have toys to play with. Please make them feel happy by donating different kinds of toys: (Teddy bears, puzzles, board games, dolls, puppets....)

Bouncy bens' parents please, let your child choose the toy he/she wants to give to make another child feel happy. The children in PK know that they doing a good thing. We are learning to care about each  others and help other sick children.

The dates for donations are: Nov 18th to Dec 13th.

You can bring the toys to the classroom and then the ACST CAS students will deliver them to the hospital before Christmas.

Thank you so much for your help.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Bouncy bens' work this week!!!

Hello Bouncy bens

This week our children were busy working on simple patterns. First we used unifix blocks to make different patterns. Each child has to choose 2 different colors and make his/her own pattern. Then they reproduce it on the sentence strip. Here are some pictures:

PK1 were also busy working on their letterland books. The children were asked to go over the letters with different colors. Also, they were busy coloring the main characters of the book such as Dippy Duck, Clever Cat and Bouncy ben. Pk1 are learning to say the letter sounds and make these letters with play dough as well as wooden sticks....

We also had lots of fun this week.  The children love making farms and castles with blocks and big lego...

Very nice farm!

Class Photos

Hi Bouncy bens

Our class photos will be taken next week. We will post you the exact time and date.
Thank you

Friday, November 1, 2013

Our letter of the week is Ee.

Hi Boucny bens

Our children had been working on letter Ee. We are learning how to say the sound of Ee. We are learning how to write it using different materials.

We talked aobut our Eddy Elephant character in our letterland program. I asked the children to come up with words beginning with Ee.

PK1 are working on different kind of trains and why trains have wheels????
They are having lots of fun making wheels and decorating them. We are also reading books about trains. The focus is a book called "Freight train" by Donald Crews.

Here are pictures taking of bouncy bens doing different activities. Enjoy them

Have a great Weekend!!

Healthy Snack

Hi Bouncy bens

I just want to let you know that our class is doing a great job bringing healthy snacks in school.please reinforce it at home because we always talk about what is a healthy snack???

I am very proud of you Bouncy bens. Here are some pictures of healthy snacks brought by Bouncy bens:

Inquiry activity with Bouncy bens

Hello Bouncy bens

On Wednesday Bouncy bens have worked on sorting toys by different materials. We had teachers from elementary school in the classroom to watch the children working on their science unit: How things work? (having teachers in the classroom observing while you are doing an activity is called peer coaching). The elementary teachers enjoyed the activity and they were impressed by the PK children. Bouncy bens were fully involved in the work and they showed a positive attitude towards learning.

The bouncy bens did a great job sharing their knowledge and showing that they are thinking and finding out information. They have learnt new words such as hard, soft, cold, fabric, metal... to describe materials by properties.