Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Unit Of Inquiry

Hello Bouncy bens

Our unit is called "How things work?". We focus with the children on understanding the properties of materials. The focus of this unit is on Toys and how they work?

Before learning about toys, we need to identify the different materials the toys are made of such as fabric, metal, plastic and wood.
Soon I will post lots of pictures to show the different activities we do in the class. Researchers are very excited about this unit, they think, ask questions and find out information.

Bouncy bens have learnt new vocabulary ( fabric, metal,plastic, wood, soft, hard...) while working on this unit of inquiry. They have learnt how to think and go look for the different objects by themselves....

Great job. I am so proud of you Bouncy bens!!!!

Plastic, Wood, Metal and Fabric

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