Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Hello PKN

This week in PKN we are learning to recognize and say the sound of letter Vv for Vicky Violet. The students are singing the V song, tracing the letters with fleted pens, play dough and pencils. They are learning new words beginning with Vv such as volcano, van, violet....

In math, we are reviewing measurement: The students are learning about tall/short, heavy/light...We are also counting numbers from 1-10, making groups of 10 objects, matching numbers to quantities.
Here are pictures of the students working in class:

Tomorrow is the big day. We are all very excited about the trip to Friguia. Please parents bring your children no later than 7.50am. We will have lots of fun for sure!!!!
 Please note that there is No school on Friday May 1st.
Have a great long Week-end

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Hello PKN

This morning the third graders read the our PK students books in different languages in the amphi-theatre. It was a great experience to our children to listen to lots of different stories. Here are some pictures:


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Hello PKN

This week in science we are learning about animal facts. We are learning about elephants, giraffes, lions and zebras. The focus is on where do these animals live, what do they eat... The students are also having fun painting a giraffe, an elephant and a lion.

In literacy we are learning to name and sound out letter Uu for Uppy Umbrella. They are enjoying the Uu activities on letterland. The students are also thinking about words beginning with Uu. Here some pictures:

In math we are still reviewing shapes. Enjoy these pictures:

I also want to share with you our PK picture for the 2014-2015 school year. It is a great pictures that we all love it.

Have a great spring day!!!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Hello PKN

The weather is getting warmer. I just want to remind you parents that as of monday "no hat no play". Please help your child remember to bring his/her hat everyday.
Next week is the World Language Festival week. You are welcome to the WLF assembly on monday morning at 8.10 in the big gym. Have your child wear a T-shirt from a country they visited before. On Thursday we will have the third graders read to our PK students in different languages in the amphi-theatre at 10.20. We are so excited about it.
Please don't forget to return the the trip letter signed by next week.
Thank you

Have a great Week-end!!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Hello PKN

I hope you all had a wonderful spring break. The weather is lovely and we all need fresh air and fun outside. Only nine more weeks to go and we are so busy with lots of elementary events such as the world language festival, field trips, PK picnic, graduation..... We will keep you posted with more details soon. Lots of fun is coming!!!!!!

Our letter of the week is Tt for Talking Tess. The children are learning the sound of letter Tt and how to write it using different materials. They are also coming up with words beginning with Tt such as table, tall, turtle, telephone.....

Here are some pictures of the students:

In math we are counting numbers from 1 to 10 and we are reviewing shapes as well. Please enjoy these pictures:

In science the students are enjoying the animal unit. They learned about the farm animals, the wild animals, pets and ocean creatures. They loved the activities. here are some pictures during our science session:

In this activity the students chose their favorite zoo animal and made cages for them out of sticks. They also enjoyed painting foot prints of their favorite farm animals.
I hope you enjoy this weekly newsletter and don't forget to sign the permission slip to the Friguia Park.
Thank you and have a great spring day

Thursday, April 2, 2015

SLC's pictures

Hello PKN

I just wanted to share PKN pictures of yesterday's SLC's. The students did a great job sharing their learning with their parents. Please enjoy:

Good job PKN!!!