Friday, September 12, 2014

PKN News

Hello PKN Parents

We had a busy week working on recognizing numbers from 1 to 6, matching numbers with quantities, make sets of 3 objects... Also the children are learning how to trace numbers.

In literacy, we worked on Annie Apple this week: We listened to stories, we practiced the Aa sound, sang the Annie Apple song and worked on lots of other letter activities. The children are getting used to the daily routine and following the teacher's instructions. Good Job PKN!!!
Next week  we will start Bb for Bouncy Bens.

In inquiry: We finished our "Friends" unit, today I introduced to the PKN children our healthy habit unit. We talked about healthy food and non healthy food. We used picture cards to distinguish between good food and bad food. I put in their folders the 5 a day challenge. The children are asked to eat fruits and vegetables and fill in the 5 a day challenge card. Try to bring the completed records card on Monday september 22nd. If the children have met the challenge they will receive a certificate to say they are super kid.

These are pictures of the children working and having fun. Please Enjoy and have a great Week End!!

Thank you
Miss Rym

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