Monday, September 8, 2014

PKN Newsletter

Hello PKN parents

We had a great Monday. The children are getting used to the daily routine and they are learning to follow instructions and listen to the teacher.

This week in literacy we are introducing letter Aa. We are learning the sounds, words that start with Aa and also the children are learning to write Aa for Annie Apple.

In Math we learning number sense with numbers from 1 to 5. Today the children made number one using oil pastel crayons and paint. I will post pictures to show you this number activity.

Inquiry: We are learning how to be good friends, how to share different items, help each other... We read lots of books about friends, sing songs and make things together.

NB: Tuesday, Sept 9th: Open House from 5.00 to 6.30. Please try to be there.

That's all for now!!! Please enjoy the pictures:

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