Wednesday, October 8, 2014

PKN News

Hello PKN

This week we are reviewing letters from Aa to Dd. We are learning to say the letter sounds and also try to trace Aa, Cc, Dd... The children are having fun making Alligators (Aa), Carrots (Cc) and Ducks (Dd). They loved this craft activity and here some pictures:

In math, the children are learning number 5, they are trying to make sets of 5 objects, recognize number 5 and write it as well. Also, PKN are working on recognizing different shapes by making a shape book which includes circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, ovals...

In social studies, we started a new unit called " same but different". We are teaching the children that we are all the same but different. We have different color hair, skin, eyes... The children are also learning that objects are different in size. They are learning new words such as big, medium and small. The children know that even people are different in size. So we measured the children in the class. It was fun and here are the pictures:

Happy reading
Have a great day

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